Why Do I Have a Dry Mouth & Sore Throat When I Wake Up?

Waking up with a sore throat can not only hurt, but also put a damper in your day.

Maybe it is caused by a certain condition that could develop during the different sleep cycles or could worsen throughout the night.

It also could be caused by the way that a person snores.

Depending on the harshness or complexity, snoring can be a tell-tale sign that may lead down a path of healthy living. If you or your bed partner is noticing that you are gasping for breath, choking on air, or making unusual sounds, you can reach out to your primary care physician to see if it could be caused by Sleep Apnea.

A throat that’s sore can be extremely uncomfortable and cause difficulty falling and staying asleep. Some conditions can worsen a sore throat at night which can lead to a dry mouth. No on wants to wake up feeling like their throat has been attacked, it’s not only painful but can cause more health issues with a weakened immune system.

Sore throats are most commonly a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea, and consistently breathing through the mouth may cause chronic sore throats. There is a possibility that a “vacuum” effect can start when the person temporarily ceases breathing, which can cause stomach acid to come up into the esophagus and throat from the pressure of not breathing.

The esophagus can be irritated or burned from the stomach acid, causing a sore throat. Having a dry mouth is primarily caused by the blockage of nasal passages. Sleep apnea also includes the symptom of dry mouth.

Some patients can experience a severe sore throat which can lead to more intense health conditions due to the excessive and intrusive snoring they experience per night. A high AHI (the calculated natural cessation of breathing per hour while asleep) can also cause severe symptoms of Sleep Apnea which entails a desaturation of oxygen, cardiovascular disease which slowly wears down with untreated Sleep Apnea, heightened blood pressure, weight gain, frequent snoring, choking or gasping for air, daytime fatigue, sore throat, and dry mouth.

Sleep Apnea is a serious sleep disorder that can reduce the life expectancy of a person who suffers from it. Sleep apnea has the ability to deprive the body of oxygen by the inability of proper breathing patterns. Sleep apnea can put measurable strain on vital organs in the body which also puts stress the heart causing stress. When the airway fails to receive air, the brain will alert the body to wake up to force the person to start breathing again.

Treatments for a Sore Throat

Dehydration can cause the symptoms of dry mouth and throat or even itchy. While a person sleeps, they go through the entire night without drinking any water, exception if the person wakes up and gets a glass of water.

Snoring can be a clue for a sleep disturbance such as sleep apnea, or it be a cause for a sore throat. Snoring in excess can cause irritation of the throat due to the loudness or severity of the person’s snoring. Speak with a physician or doctor to see if you may be experiencing snoring as a symptoms for a more severe medical condition.

Allergies can also be a cause for a sore throat. Nasal congestion can cause a person to breathe through their mouth when ill, so a person that normally breathes through their nose will experience a sore throat when breathing through their mouth. Allergies can also cause postnasal drip which is where the nasal cavity drains from the nose into the throat, and that excess mucus can lead to irritability, scratchiness, and soreness.

90% of all sore throats are caused by viral infections, such as a cold or the flu. The illness can also be nasal congestion which can lead to the postnasal drip.

Strep throat is also a major cause of a sore throat and throat irritation. Strep throat affects the throat and tonsils due to a bacterial infection, and can cause intense pain throughout the day. The pain in the throat can increase overnight due to the wearing off of medication that helps with pain relief or postnasal drip.

There is also a condition called Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) where the acid from the stomach or other stomach contents are inflamed and come into the esophagus.

A sore throat at night is uncomfortable and can make sleeping difficult. There are many conditions that can cause or worsen a sore throat at night. Sometimes there are home remedies that can be a solution for a sore throat or dry mouth.

Humidifiers can also help sore throats especially at night. A humidifier will restore and keep moisture in the air. This can be beneficial for restoring dry skin, sore throats, dry lips, and humidifiers can aid in some of the symptoms that come from the flu or a cold. Be cautious on the use of a humidifier. If the humidifier is used too often, it has the possibility of worsening problems with the respiratory system. If you want more information to see if using a humidifier may benefit you, speak with your doctor to see what the best plan is to take.

If the sore throat or dry mouth is benign, it can be easy to clear up either by prescribed medication from their doctor or possibly by home treatment. If the sore throat or dry mouth is considered a more severe case, the healing of the body may need medical attention.

Sleeptopia recommends that you reach out to a doctor, nurse, family practitioner, or a doctor in the medical field to find the right path for your health and wellness journey.

Doctors will work to diagnose the cause and provide appropriate treatment.

More Information

Signs of Sleep Apnea & Sore Throat/Dry Mouth - indianasinus.com

Sore Throat turned into Sleep Apnea - www.health.com

Sore Throat at Night - www.medicalnewstoday.com

Humidifier Use - www.healthline.com

Sleep Apnea - www.helpguide.org


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